In August 2019 the BHA published a notice regarding samples of injectable Omeprazole 100mg/ml (Bova UK), which had been found to contain low levels of testosterone. Due to the presence of testosterone, the BHA advised against the possession, use or attempted use, and administration or attempted administration of this product, with reference to the BHA Rules of Racing.
Subsequent to that notice, Bova UK investigated and established the source of the testosterone, and have since removed this source from the manufacturing process. Bova UK have supplied the BHA with confirmation from analytical laboratories in Australia and the UK that testosterone is not present in samples of injectable Omeprazole 100mg/ml.
Additionally, Bova UK have confirmed that they test multiple samples from each batch of injectable Omeprazole 100mg/ml for testosterone, using a validated method of analysis. Bova UK have also stated that the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) have been informed of all steps taken to resolve the issue.
As such, the BHA will no longer advise against possession, use or attempted use, and administration or attemplted administration of injectable Omeprazole 100mg/ml (Bova UK).
The BHA does not approve or endorse any products, whether they be licensed veterinary medicines, specials product, feed, supplements or additives. There is no published Detection Time for injectable omeprazole. Trainers are advised to seek advice from their veterinary surgeon in regards to treatment.
Further advice may be sought by contacting the BHA Equine Health and Welfare Department on 020 7152 0090 or