This medicines update is provided by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) and lists changes to authorisations most relevant to vets.
Changes to authorisations most relevant to vets
The changes to authorisations most relevant to vets can be found below. Each product listed, along with the authorisation holder, distribution category and details of which Summary of Product Characteristics sections have been revised/changed.
All entries can be found on the VMD’s Product Information Database.
Changes to the SPC, labels and leaflets may change how the medicines should be used. There may be a delay between these changes being authorised to implementation on product literature. Unless you have been advised otherwise, the labelling instructions on the pack which is dispensed should be followed.
Flunixin 50 mg/ml Solution for Injection for Cattle, Horses and Pigs
Norbrook Laboratories Limited GB & NI POM-V
Section 4.5: Flunixin is toxic to avian scavengers. Do not administer to animals susceptible to enter wild fauna food chain. In case of death or sacrifice of treated animals, ensure that they are not made available to wild fauna.
Section 5.2: Flunixin is toxic to avian scavengers although foreseen low exposure leads to low risk.
For more information, contact the VMD at