BEVA celebrates Antimicrobial Awareness Week with free CPD course for RVNs and webinar for vets | British Equine Veterinary Association
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BEVA celebrates Antimicrobial Awareness Week with free CPD course for RVNs and webinar for vets

News Medicines Nurses BEVA News
15 Nov 2022 BEVA

BEVA is celebrating Antimicrobial Awareness Week (18-24 November 2022) with a free CPD course for Vet Nurses on antimicrobial use in surgery and a free special webinar for all equine vets.

With the rising risks of antibiotic resistance and surgical site infections (SSIs), the Vet Nurse CPD course looks at what VNs can do to minimise and, in some cases, prevent these from happening in patients.

The two-hour online lecture presented by RVNs Rosina Lilywhite and Rosie Heath, will include discussion and top tip-sharing time.  It will consolidate the role of the theatre nurse and provide updates on biosecurity, instrument care and how to run a theatre.

“We will be taking it back to basics and looking at where improvements can be made, often in areas that are so routine that we forget about their importance,” said Rosina/Rosie. It’s a great opportunity to see inside Liphook Equine Hospital, which is one of the largest equine hospitals in the UK and discover how to make your own set-up more gold standard.”

This course is free to BEVA Nurse members.

BEVA is also running an essential webinar for all equine vets, on the final day of World Antimicrobial Awareness Week. Bruce Bladon will describe current antibiotic use in equine practice, Victoria South will consider the use of Highest Priority Critically Important Antimicrobials, and Bettina Dunkel will describe strategies to reduce antimicrobial use. The webinar is free for both members and non-members.

To register for the VN CPD click here.

If you are not yet a BEVA VN member you can join this CPD session and benefit from a one-year BEVA membership for £49.

To register for the veterinary webinar click here.